Teachers and Staff

To connect to staff, you can email to ______ @sd73.bc.ca   
Fill in the blank with the underlined first initial last name indicated below (do not use the underline)


Principal - Derek Markides - dmarkides
Vice-Principal - Andres Ruberg - aruberg
Counsellor - Carol Gabel - cgabel
Secretary in charge - Stefanie Appel - sappel
Steno 1/Counselling - Stacey Gartner - sgartner


Makaila Brake - mkerr
Lauren Davis - ldavis
Kim Fennell - kfennell
Liam Fielding - lfielding
Antoinette Foxall - afoxall
Myles Gregory - mgregory
Kelsey Harpman - kharpman
Megan Lind - mlind
Ashley MacDougall  -  amacdougall
Steven O-Reilly - soreilly
Sydney Pellegrino - spellegrino
Travis Repka - trepka
Nicholas Warner - nwarner


Tammy Dillman
Leeann Eustache
Cindy Kohnert
Cameron Loring
Tara Murphy
Sandie Phillips
Wendy Sabyan
Arne Tolborg
Catherine Turner
Beth Zerr


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