How Health Checks Work


Staying home when you are not feeling well is a critical step in  communicable disease prevention. 

Parents/Caregivers are expected to access their children daily for illness before  sending them to school.  

Options for daily health check – (1) review the following questions or use the (2) K 12 Health Check app. 

Do you have any of the following symptoms: 

• Fever or chills 

• Cough 

• Sore throat 

• Difficulty breathing 

• Diarrhea 

• Nausea and/or vomiting 

• Extreme fatigue or tiredness 

• Body aches 

• Loss of appetite 

• Headache 

• Loss of sense of smell or taste 

Students must stay home and are not to enter the school if they are ill and or answer  yes to the above symptoms or any one of the following: 

• In the last 14 days, returned from travel outside Canada, including the United  States, and been directed to quarantine? 

• Have been identified by Public Health as a close contact of someone with  COVID-19. 

• Have you been told to self-isolate by Public Health or a Health Care  Professional? 

Students, who experience symptoms consistent with a previously diagnosed health  condition can continue to attend school when they are experiencing these symptoms  as normal. If they experience any new or unexplained symptoms, they should seek  assessment by a health care provider. 


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